Monday, November 29, 2010

New Blog / Upcoming Classes


2011 promises to be full of potential for growth in self awareness and in service to humanity and the One Life.

Each of the following are designed to be of assistance along the way, and you are welcome to participate.

The new blog, Hot to Serve Humanity, will be of particular interest to those who subscribed to my previous blog, Portals to the Heart of Life. It includes much new material, as well as new and legacy examples of applying the Wisdom teachings in one's daily life.



Upcoming Activities

How to Serve Humanity

This new blog shows how to discover your purpose within the planetary life and help serve humanity. It includes information about the subtle realms, transformative meditations, and real-world examples of their use. Posts appear three times per week.

Sundays focus on esoteric information,
Tuesdays on transformative inner techniques, and
Thursdays on real-world examples (usually from my own life).

Subscription is FREE, and nothing is advertised or for sale on the blog.

Subscribers will also receive additional FREE flyers, articles, and booklets, as well as information about new books and upcoming classes and events. Subscribers will also automatically receive a free copy of the booklet: “The New World Civilization.”

"A Divine Farmer's Market of Spiritual Teaching - Varietal, Fresh, Live and Organic.”
Located at:

Coming Soon!

Creative Thinking

“As we realize that this world of affairs in which we live is of our own making we realize the simple truth, that we can change it. Not one person alone, but many of us thinking, feeling, and acting together as God’s children can change it from one of pain, fear, and anxiety, to one of peace, love and har¬mony.

“The purpose of this series of instruction is to show how this can be done so as to restore God’s plan on earth. Its goal then, is this, the integration of sepa¬rately identified human beings into a group consciousness dedicated to the good, the true, and the beautiful for humanity.”
Creative Thinking, by Lucille Cedercrans, pp. 97–98

41 lessons, taught live online (audio/video, and text), 1 per week
The Class will begin when enough students are registered
To apply or for further information write to:

Also coming in 2011:

Creating the New World Civilization

A course on how to use the inner creative process to help humanity take its next step in evolution.

The Class will begin when enough students are registered
To apply or for further information write to:

Also coming early in 2011:

The Ashram of Synthesis

Our Purpose, Consciousness, and Work

Book published in early spring, class will begin shortly thereafter (when enough students are registered)
To apply or for further information write to:

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Zipper

I was working on the text of a lesson when I heard a child cry “Help!” Next thing I knew I was headed out our front door.

We live on a street of modest, well-cared-for homes with small yards. In Phoenix, yards are more often covered with gravel and decorated with cactus rather than grass, and as a result the local children use the street as their main playground.

Of the ten homes on our block, four have young children, making it a very busy street. I’ve seen bicycle races, battles between Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker, countless games of hide-and-seek, tag, and even a snowball fight (using snow trucked in from the local mountains, in the back of a childless neighbor’s pickup truck, for the purpose).

The street itself carries hints of all this, as broken bits of toys are left behind by the tides of play- -the propeller from a toy airplane, a piece of the handle of a light saber, the head of a tiny doll. Too small for adults to bother picking up, most will be washed away by the street sweeper, only to be replaced by subsequent tides.

On that afternoon it was the hour after the children returned from school, but before the adults returned from work. So when I heard a child cry “Help!” I rushed outside knowing that I might be the nearest adult.

A boy was standing on the sidewalk in front of our house, bent over, arms stretched out and down, with his coat pulled over his head.

“Billie?” I called as I hurried up.

“The zipper’s stuck in my hair,” Billie replied.

Taking a close look I saw that Billie was well and truly trapped. The zipper must have been stuck. He’d tried to remove the coat by pulling it over his head, only to have the zipper grab the hair on the top of his head halfway through the process. He couldn’t see, and couldn’t move without pulling on his hair.

I moved into my heart, and said, “Hang on, I’ll have you free in a minute.”

I aligned from my heart with Billie’s emotional body, to help keep him calm, and then moved part of my awareness into my intellect so I could assess the situation. I contemplated the scissors in the Swiss Army Knife in my pocket, but decided to try that last as if I cut Billie’s hair I’d have to explain why to his mom.

Holding the alignment from my heart with Billie, and with my intellect, I reached out. “Let’s see if I can free it,” I said.

Gripping his hair firmly, between the jacket and his head, I carefully worked the hair free, a few strands at a time. Once free, and jacket off, Billie thanked me and went on his way.

Joyful Blessings!


Monday, January 25, 2010

Living in Joy

The ether flowed into, through and from us as we walked, radiating magnetic light into the evening.

It was December 26th, at a local outdoor mall, and we’d been shopping the after-Christmas sales for back-to-school gifts and supplies. This particular mall was designed to look like an old-fashioned downtown—a town square with a fountain where children played in warmer weather, stores, restaurants, offices—only with large chain stores rather than locally-owned shops. All it needed was a city hall/court house and a church.

People of all ages, shapes, styles, and places of origin hurried about, looking for the best bargains on the best stuff, giving just enough attention to the people around them to avoid collisions.

Two middle-aged women in black—leather, fishnet stockings, and boots

A sour-faced woman who I aligned with harmony and joy

Two giggling teen girls, elfin slender on the cusp of womanhood

A wrinkled old woman seated on a bench, hunched around her cane—who smiled and said that no, she did not need assistance.

The ether flowed into, through and from us as we walked, radiating magnetic light into the evening. Holding the alignment from the heart up to the Christ, out to the humanity around us, and from them up to the Christ, I radiated the Light of Joy.

Joyful Blessings!


Monday, December 28, 2009

Monday at the Library

They were still there when I emerged from the Library.

It was only the Mesquite Branch of the Phoenix Library, but it had an excellent selection. My catch that Monday afternoon included a series of audio tapes by Eckhart Tolle, The Joy of Living by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, Beyond Mindfulness by Bhante Hehepola Gunarantana, and Wever’s Way to Grill by Jamie Purviance (the last being research for The Soul of Barbeque).

I’d been walking around holding an alignment with the fullness of the one life, and sounding that fullness as Joy in the heart, so I was nearly bouncing with happiness as I searched the Eastern Religions section for works on Tibetan Buddhism.

A short, middle-aged housewife approached, stared over the shelves a moment, and removed a video—a recording of the Dalai Lama’s 1996 presentation in London. I mentioned that the tape had recently been published in English as “The World of Tibetan Buddhism,” by the Dalai Lama (I’d seen it in Barnes & Noble the day before). We had a brief conversation on what it meant to “Take refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sanga, (the traditional method of becoming a Buddhist) before she completed her selection and departed.

After a couple more brief encounters, I checked out my books, walked past the alarm sensors, and out the sliding glass doors.

The paid advocate at the table on my right was asking another reader if they were interested in signing one of the six petitions he was promoting. He seemed to be using the Medical Marijuana petition to catch people’s attention, before directing them to one of his less interesting liberal causes.

The gentleman at the table on my left was more reserved. Dressed in a businessman’s suit and tie (made possible by the mid-winter weather), he was a great deal more reserved. He asked readers if they were a Republican, and upon receiving a “Yes,” asked if they would sign the petition to place his name on the Republican ticket for the next council election.

Passing between them, I felt myself standing in a polarity of American politics. I paused, focused in my heart, aligned with both polarities, and brought them into union. Holding that union, I spoke in turn with both, and then continued on my way.

Deb would be home early.

Happy New Year!


Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I focused in the heart as I stepped outside into a clear, cold day, aligned upward and outward, and moved into my usual invocation of the opportunity to be of service.

Turning right at the sidewalk, I spotted a pair of shoes thrusting into the street from beneath a minivan two doors down. It looked as though a neighbor was working on it, but I did not recognize the vehicle. Approaching from the street side, where he could see me, I discovered my neighbor Kevin adding air to the spare tire under his aging in-law’s minivan.

I helped him repack the van, he complained of his father-in-law John’s failing mind, his own cold, and we discussed the advantages of the TIG welder his father-in-law had just purchased but did not really need. His father-in-law came out and I was introduced as I completed my healing alignment for Kevin and then began one for John.

I continued my walk, performing Maitreya Mantrams until I reached the local OK market. I purchased a paper, and in the parking lot was approached by a young Hispanic man who asked if I knew where the local Western Union office was. It felt like he was in trouble and needed to receive money from his family. I knew of a PayDay office a couple miles down the street, but did not know if they were also a Western Union Office (as some such places are), so I began an abundance alignment and sent him inside OK to talk with Danny, the clerk, who had lived in the area longer than I.

I continued to hold the alignment while I walked home, circling back along a different route—a block west on Greenway, a busy highway, before turning back into the housing development.

Halfway down the first block a woman with a dog emerged from a home and turned away from me. A minute later I reached the home she’d emerged from, and found a collection of Christmas Wreaths displayed in the front yard, almost as though they were for sale. I had paused to admire them when a half-naked elderly man wearing a Santa-Claus cap scampered out of the front door, and over to the SUV in the driveway. He threw a door open, grabbed something, and scampered back inside.

Grinning, I invoked and radiated Joy, and continued on my way.

Happy Holidays!


Sunday, November 29, 2009

Giving Thanks

As we sat down to dinner, Deb asked, “Who will say the prayer?”

It was a traditional Thanksgiving gathering, my first as part of this family, with all the usual activities. On Wednesday we shopped for food, played board games, and went to a movie.

Thursday there was the cooking, the dinner (with all the fixings), cleanup, more games, videos, discussion and laughter.

Friday we went shopping for Christmas presents (taking advantage of the sales at the local mall), ate leftovers, and saw Planet 51.

Saturday, the family began returning to their homes, with the first car leaving in the mid morning for the drive to California.

Today we drove the college student back up to Northern Arizona University. We ate lunch at the Student Union while the morning’s snow melted, then drove back to Phoenix.

Through it all I held the focus in the heart, simply being mindful of everyone and everything, and aligning all with the one life.

Happy Holidays!


Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Millionaire

The white-haired retiree waived at the white-haired retiree next to him and declared, “this guy’s a millionaire!”

Susie’s soccer team had been winning two to nothing when they called the half-time break. When Susie settled down with her water and snack, I indicated (by asking Deb if it was OK) that I was going to visit the farmer’s market.

The booths of the farmer’s market were just across the parking lot from the soccer fields, and this was the third time a game had coincided with the market. The market had been closing by the time the game ended the other times, so I figured half-time was a good time to check it out.

As I approached I saw it was a small, local market of about thirty to forty booths—canvas awnings supported by metal poles, sheltering folding tables that held boxes or displays of merchandise. Most of the merchandise was locally-grown “natural” and/or “organic” produce, offered by the gardener/farmers who grew it. But there were also displays of tie-dye clothing, hand-made jewelry, flower essences, and various other products.

I’d purchased some produce. Twice been asked what kind of Yoga I practiced (my “OM” pendant was visible), which led to some interesting conversations on meditation, had just sampled and purchased an “Inner Peace” flower essence, and was feeling fairly mellow when I was waylaid at another booth.

A white-haired retired gentleman stepped forward, waived at the fellow retiree next to him and declared, “this guy’s a millionaire!”

“So!” I replied, as I aligned upward from the heart through my head, and outward from my heart to the two retirees. “Studies have shown that once our basic needs are met—food, clothing, shelter, occupation, companionship—additional money and things don’t make us any happier.”

Frowning, he replied, “It sure comes in handy when we need something!”

Aligning him upward with divine intent, I replied, “but how much do you truly need, and how often is it only a want?”

The situation was rather awkward, and I needed to get back. So I Nodded in apology to the wealthy man, to whom I still hadn’t been introduced, and headed back to the soccer game.



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