The light turned as we approached the intersection of Whittier and Painter, and I braked to a slow stop. I noticed a group of people holding placards on the corner across from us, and thought perhaps they were protesting something. The balloons struck an odd note though, and they marched across the street in front of us – smiling and happy – rather than standing on the corner and shouting. I glanced to my right up Painter, and saw clumps of marchers stretching up the sidewalk for blocks.

One of nearest of those held a sign that said, “Walk 4 Life.” I realized what it was, and snapped into my heart before my lower emotions could react.
More marchers approached, carrying “Choose Life”, “Love Life”, and “Life, the Right Choice!” signs, and I aligned upward, through my head center, with the Divine Plan.
Within the Divine Plan, I aligned with that portion that represented the Divine Plan for humanity – the growth and development of our soul or consciousness.
Within that portion, I aligned with the coming evolution of reproduction from an unconscious, uncontrolled process, to a fully conscious creative act; one that only occurs when those involved decide to have a child.
Then, from the heart, I aligned outward with the resisting polarities within humanity. Both poles called themselves “pro” (or positive) and the other “anti” (or negative). Neither realized that they were but different expressions of humanity’s resistance to its next step.
From the heart, I held the alignment upward with the Divine Plan for humanity, and outward with the polarized resistance to the Plan.
And within the heart, I brought them into union, and experienced the at-one-ment of the One Life.
Glen Knape

One of nearest of those held a sign that said, “Walk 4 Life.” I realized what it was, and snapped into my heart before my lower emotions could react.
More marchers approached, carrying “Choose Life”, “Love Life”, and “Life, the Right Choice!” signs, and I aligned upward, through my head center, with the Divine Plan.
Within the Divine Plan, I aligned with that portion that represented the Divine Plan for humanity – the growth and development of our soul or consciousness.
Within that portion, I aligned with the coming evolution of reproduction from an unconscious, uncontrolled process, to a fully conscious creative act; one that only occurs when those involved decide to have a child.
Then, from the heart, I aligned outward with the resisting polarities within humanity. Both poles called themselves “pro” (or positive) and the other “anti” (or negative). Neither realized that they were but different expressions of humanity’s resistance to its next step.
From the heart, I held the alignment upward with the Divine Plan for humanity, and outward with the polarized resistance to the Plan.
And within the heart, I brought them into union, and experienced the at-one-ment of the One Life.
Glen Knape