Monday, November 29, 2010

New Blog / Upcoming Classes


2011 promises to be full of potential for growth in self awareness and in service to humanity and the One Life.

Each of the following are designed to be of assistance along the way, and you are welcome to participate.

The new blog, Hot to Serve Humanity, will be of particular interest to those who subscribed to my previous blog, Portals to the Heart of Life. It includes much new material, as well as new and legacy examples of applying the Wisdom teachings in one's daily life.



Upcoming Activities

How to Serve Humanity

This new blog shows how to discover your purpose within the planetary life and help serve humanity. It includes information about the subtle realms, transformative meditations, and real-world examples of their use. Posts appear three times per week.

Sundays focus on esoteric information,
Tuesdays on transformative inner techniques, and
Thursdays on real-world examples (usually from my own life).

Subscription is FREE, and nothing is advertised or for sale on the blog.

Subscribers will also receive additional FREE flyers, articles, and booklets, as well as information about new books and upcoming classes and events. Subscribers will also automatically receive a free copy of the booklet: “The New World Civilization.”

"A Divine Farmer's Market of Spiritual Teaching - Varietal, Fresh, Live and Organic.”
Located at:

Coming Soon!

Creative Thinking

“As we realize that this world of affairs in which we live is of our own making we realize the simple truth, that we can change it. Not one person alone, but many of us thinking, feeling, and acting together as God’s children can change it from one of pain, fear, and anxiety, to one of peace, love and har¬mony.

“The purpose of this series of instruction is to show how this can be done so as to restore God’s plan on earth. Its goal then, is this, the integration of sepa¬rately identified human beings into a group consciousness dedicated to the good, the true, and the beautiful for humanity.”
Creative Thinking, by Lucille Cedercrans, pp. 97–98

41 lessons, taught live online (audio/video, and text), 1 per week
The Class will begin when enough students are registered
To apply or for further information write to:

Also coming in 2011:

Creating the New World Civilization

A course on how to use the inner creative process to help humanity take its next step in evolution.

The Class will begin when enough students are registered
To apply or for further information write to:

Also coming early in 2011:

The Ashram of Synthesis

Our Purpose, Consciousness, and Work

Book published in early spring, class will begin shortly thereafter (when enough students are registered)
To apply or for further information write to:

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