Sunday, December 28, 2008

* * *

Self Awareness

I tensed as the glass doors slid aside with a whoosh and hint of a rattle. I stepped inside, hunching a bit in fear that my coat would set the alarm off again. It was a chilly Christmas eve, eve, and my winter coat – a gift from a niece the year before – had a tendency to set off the theft alarm at the local grocery. No place else, just there, where I was most likely to run into someone I knew.

Relieved by the lack of an alarm, I stepped to the left to grab a hand basket. I was there to pick up a few remaining items for the family Christmas Dinner, as apparently were a lot of other people who were rushing in and out displaying the determined, harried look of last-minute holiday shoppers.

About fifteen feet inside the entrance, the management had set up a table display of gift cards of all types. A pink-cheeked young grocery clerk was seated behind the display, grimly holding a fixed smile on his face as shoppers stepped around him without making eye contact. He’d obviously been there for hours, intentionally overlooked the entire time.

I focused in my heart, aligned with his, and stepped up to the table with a grin.

I breathed in light, and love, and bathed him in it as I asked him questions about his current situation - how long he’d been sitting there, how long was left, and what it felt like.

I breathed in light and love, and aligned him up with his higher self or soul as I moved my questions to his hopes and dreams.

It only took a couple minutes, but he was smiling when I was done.

“Is there anything I can do for you?” he asked.

“No,” I said, “it’s just that, if I had your job, I’d want to be recognized as a person once in a while.”

He smiled in gratitude, and I waved as I strode into the store.



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Sunday, December 21, 2008

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The Purple Bandana

It had been laundered, carefully folded, and left next to the family phone – a simple bandana. Extra large, purple with light-blue flowers and utterly harmless in appearance, it was a sign of impending death.

Years ago, I’d had dozens like it, worn as a stylistic echo of the hippie era. But I’d slowly been giving them away for most of this century – a few to a sister in law with leukemia, some to friends. Most recently, the purple bandana had gone to May, a close friend of my mom’s.

May was dropped off at our home early in the morning once a week. I’d return from the gym, and there she’d be, sitting or lying on the couch, with the cat keeping her company, head covered with a scarf or bandana.

I’d prepare breakfast and offer some to May, but she’d usually decline. We’d talk with her or let her rest, whatever she needed. Sometime in the mid morning mom dropped May off at the hospital for her appointment, and either stayed with her or retuned and picked her up later.

Eventually it became clear that the chemo wasn’t working, that nothing was going to work, so they stopped. May’s hair began to grow back, and she looked better, if you didn’t watch the way she moved.

May appeared two or three times more. The pain grew and they increased her oral medication, but eventually that was not enough.

The last time May visited was just before she went to the hospice. She’d had the bandana laundered, folded it, and left it by the family phone for me to find. She didn’t need such things any more.

I picked up the purple bandana, focused in my heart, and aligned upward with the Christ.

From the heart, I aligned outward with May, and upward from May to the Christ.

Then I invoked Christ’s Light and Love for May, and allowed that Light and Love to flow into her aura, and back up from her as a beacon lighting the way home.

I made sure the Light shone for her physical instrument, as well as her soul, so that it too would feel the call when it came, and release the soul to its journey.




Saturday, December 13, 2008

* * * * * * *

Our welcome mat was covered in downy feathers – the little gray ones left behind when a cat catches a sparrow. My eyes sought and found the proof of this, also waiting on the mat – the tiny body, still in death. Our ginger tom, Sunny, proudly presented himself for my approval. I stroked him as he expected, opened the door, and let him in.

While Sunny trotted off to his bowl, I found a slightly-used paper towel and returned to the welcome mat.

The body was in much better condition than the profusion of feathers suggested, but I did not examine it closely. I merely picked it up with the towel, reached for its spark of soul, and found that its light had indeed returned to its species.

As I gently wrapped the body in the towel I contemplated the fate of such sparks of consciousness. The species was far from achieving individualization in its members, and thus the spark of self formerly residing in that body would have merged back into the great pool from which it came.

Sparrows have species consciousness. They can recognize members of their species, and gender within their species, but they lack the self awareness of true individuality. It was sad in a way, yet valiant, when one contemplated all the steps that lay before them.

It was trash day, and as I walked toward the street I recalled the purpose of the animal kingdom in the planetary life – they are the third kingdom, the representatives of Divine Intelligence, the planetary intellect in becoming. Eventually, as humanity and the entire planetary life evolved, they would become the instrument of conscious creativity within the planetary life.

But that is far, far away, as we measure such things, and there and then the most I could do was honor the tiny fledgling soul,

align with it and through it with its species,

align its species with the purpose of its kingdom,

align the animal kingdom with humanity,

and recognize the service humanity can perform by helping animals to create their individual identities and realize their function within the one life.



* * * * * * *

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Healing Light

Ashes. The parking lot was much closer to last month's fires than my home was, and the first thing I noticed as I stepped out of my car was the lingering smell of old ashes.

I refocused, took another deep breath, moved into my heart, and walked toward the main entrance.

On the way I neared a red fire engine parked at the emergency entrance. Two members of its crew were re-stowing equipment in the back.

I moved my focus to the center of the head, and from there aligned upward, through the crown center above the head, to the World Teacher.

As the doors of the main entrance slid aside, I invoked the Healing Light of Christ.

It flowed downward, along the path prepared, and I stepped over the threshold.

Moving forward as my heart filled with Healing Light, I stopped at the reception desk, gave a patient’s name, and received a “Visitor” sticker.

As I passed through the inner entryway, I released the Light from the heart – radiating Healing outward, through the walls, to permeate the entire building.

Down and out, down and out, the Light flowed as I strode down the main corridor.

Past the chapel where I’d worked the year before, past signs pointing the way to radiology, oncology, maternity, and a dozen other departments, to the far end of the corridor.

At the end, I turned right and found the room I was looking for. There were the usual features and furnishings - a small private bathroom, two beds, privacy curtains, and assorted medical devices.

I returned, somewhat, from my inner work, and walked up to the second bed.

“Hi mom!” I said.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Protection from Criticism

Stretch and wiggle feet (so calves don’t cramp), awake, focus in the center of the head, align up through the crown with my place, function, and purpose, and sound the central, motivating thought… “I am the Soul within the Heart of the Wisdom Group.” Hold that thought as the body awakens.

I checked my instrument – mental, astral, and physical – all aligned and responsive. Note the condition of my bladder and previewed my day. The usual morning preparations, with jogging in place (but no club workout on weekends), meditations, continue organizing contacts via “Act,” work on the Parent Training Manual, continue work on new classes, and write a blog.

Another blog? Already? Hmm… Yes… There was something.

I rolled over, checked the time (4:25 A.M.) and turned on the radio. NPR was talking about Obama, and the potential disappointment of his followers in the lack of diversity in his cabinet.

Aha! I lay back and focused in the heart.

Breathe in, drawing light down from above the head.

Breathe out, pushing light up through the top of the head.

Breathe in and out, in and out, into and through the heart.

Align with and identify as the new American administration.

As the new administration, align upward from the heart, through the top of the head, with the Light of Christ.

As the new administration, invoke that protective Light into the heart, as protection from criticism.

Sound that protective Light outward, from the heart, through the administration’s aura, into its entire life and affairs, by silently sounding the OM.

Breathe in and out, in and out, into and through the heart.

Align with and identify as the Obamaites.

As the Obamaites, align upward from the heart, with the idea of the New World Civilization…

with the new Cooperative Leadership of that Civilization… (Breathe in and out, in and out.)

with the new Economy of that Civilization… (Breathe in and out, in and out.)

with the new Organization of that Civilization… (Breathe in and out, in and out.)

Recognizing the new Leadership, Economy, and Organization, audibly sound the OM.

Slowly relax the attention, and return.

With an NPR story about a children’s writer as my sound track, I sat up, and began my day.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Cleansing Rain

The clouds had shed enough moisture to wash away the lingering ashes and leave our trees dripping. The air smelled clean again – or as clean as it ever does in this century. The birds were chirping, and the neighbors were sending their children outdoors while they prepared the biggest meal of the year.

Thanksgiving (a modern harvest festival, when we come together to give thanks for peace and plenty). But, I’d just heard about a terrorist attack in Mumbai, India. Over 120 dead, 300 injured, not in a sudden explosion, but by the shots of armed men. Men twisted and distorted.

Hearing of this, I’d set aside the sweet potatoes I was peeling, stepped outside, and sat in the clean air beneath the weeping trees. There I moved into my heart…

Breathe in, drawing light down from above the head.

Breathe out, pushing light up through the top of the head.

Breathe in and out, in and out…

Become aware of the music of the heart, beating in time with the one life.

Become aware of that same music, sounding in the heart of all men – of everyone everywhere.

Become aware of the twisted distortions within humanity, and sound the music of the heart within them – soothing and calming humanity.

As humanity in the heart, breathe in, drawing light down from above the head.

In and out, in and out, becoming at-one with the music of the heart of humanity.

Then, having achieved inner harmony, I released a final breathe, returned to my normal awareness, and walked back inside to finish peeling the sweet potatoes.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

At-one With the New World Civilization

Another gust whistled through our grapefruit tree. With a snap, a yellow-green fruit fell and thudded to the ground. The wind paused, and the specs of ash – spent gray-white embers – became visible again.

Over a hundred homes had burned since yesterday, west and east of us, and more were burning now. Their burning cast the day in apocalyptic-orange, the color of destruction, of endings, of preludes to forced beginnings.

It seemed appropriate.

One of my favorite things to do is to sit beneath the trees in our front yard (sheltered from casual sight by a screen of bushes and flowers) and read, listen to children play, and meditate. But today the wind and smoke made reading difficult, and the children were indoors – sheltered behind air filtration systems.

That left meditation.

I took a shallow breath, and focused in the heart center…

When everything is quiet and still, align upward from the heart, through the crown center, with the idea of the New World Civilization. (pause)

Recognize that coming civilization as the vehicle through which humanity will achieve the next step in the evolution of its consciousness, and at one with the idea. (pause)

Remaining at-one with the idea, return your awareness to the heart center. (pause)

As the idea of the New World Civilization, in the heart center, at-one with humanity. (pause)

Stand in the heart center, as humanity at-one with the New World Civilization, and surrounded by the fires of change. (very long pause)

Audibly sound the OM.

Slowly relax the attention and return to your normal focus.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sounding the Voice of Christ

The elliptical machine accepted my weight, age, and workout instructions. I grabbed the handles, began walking, and moved into my heart center.

The machine I was using was part of a row of twenty cardio exercise machines, and there were three rows. It was approaching 6:30 AM on a Monday morning, and I was completing my usual Monday, Wednesday, Friday routine (I have a second routine for Tuesdays and Fridays).

The handball courts behind me were empty, but the usual Monday morning basketball game was in full swing off to my right. Several machines to my left, a young bride and her friend were preparing to look their best at the wedding, and on the stationary bikes two rows in front of me Janet and Billie were continuing their romance.

I’ve sometimes wondered how often people joined the club in order to meet someone, and how often it was because they’ve met someone. At that moment, however, I was busy formulating my next alignment.

Physical exercise in a health club usually has a regular move-pause-move-pause rhythm – the same move-pause-move-pause as the inner creative process. I take advantage of this by focusing within and using the Law of Relationship while working out.

My intent when I do this is to serve the one life in whatever manner is needed. On this occasion, as I focused within I found my self responding to the need of America, as represented by the new American administration.

I focused as the self in the heart center.

As the self in the heart, I aligned upward (via aspiration), through the crown center at the top of the head, with the overshadowing Christ or world soul.

As the self in the heart, I aligned outward, through the ajna center (in front of the forehead and between the brows) with the new administration.

Holding the upward and outward alignments, I invoked the protective Light of Christ, and imagined that clear blue light flowing downward and surrounding the new administration with its protective radiance.

Still holding the upward and outward alignments, I invoked the inspiring Voice of Christ, and imagined that silent sound flowing downward and infusing the new administration with its inspiring vibrations.

Still focused in the heart, and holding the alignment with the Light and Voice of Christ, I completed my workout and walked out into a clear blue dawn tinged with the glorious pink of sunrise.

In order to perform a technique such as this, without injecting one’s personal hopes and desires into (and thereby qualifying and depleting) it, one must be able to identify as the one life (rather than as an individual) while performing it. The same is true of any application of the Law of Relationship, including when helping create the new world economy.

The following technique helps us achieve the necessary at-one-ment with the one life. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do.



All is Part of the One Life Technique

Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and relax your physical body.

Move your self awareness into your heart.

From your position in the heart, audibly state the following (pausing between each):

I am Soul,
all my thoughts are part of the energy of the one life

I am Soul,
all my emotions are part of the force of the one life

I am Soul,
all my forms are part of the substance of the one life

I am Soul,
all my appearances are part of the affairs of the one life

I am Soul

Audibly sound the OM.

Take a deep breath, and as you release it slowly relax the attention, and return to your normal focus.

An audio version of the “All is Part of the One Life” technique may be found here.

All audio files in this blog are in non-streamable wma format.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Walking in Christ

Yesterday I went for a walk with Christ.

No, not the religious figure, and certainly not striding along next to me. It was, well… let me tell you about it.

I’d been working away in front of my home office computer for several hours, when I noticed that portions of my anatomy were crying out for relief. It was a fairly nice day, sunny but cool, so I went for a walk.

We live in an average north-American neighborhood – tract homes indistinguishable to the casual eye from any built around the 1970s. However, the light and smell would say “Southern California” to anyone familiar to that part of the world.

As usual, I picked an inner alignment as I walked toward the end of our cul-de-sac, and then decided on a route. This process of picking an alignment and then a route has been part of my walking routine for many years. I’m not sure how it started, probably as an extension of my formal meditation work, but these days it’s simply something I do.

On this occasion I focused in the heart center. As I walked across the cross street at the end of our cul-de-sac I noticed that the heart center focus was quite energized and aligned up, from the heart, to the crown center.

Then, feeling a magnetic call, I continued the alignment upward through the crown, with the overshadowing Christ.

I continued walking as the heart center linked with the Christ, and felt the radiant Light of Christ begin to flow into my instrument.

By that time I’d reached the sidewalk in from of Bob and Charlie’s place (they have the prettiest spring flower garden in several blocks). From the focus in the heart, my aura expanded outward, to include the households on both sides of the street, and I let the Light of Christ flow into and through me, to illuminate the neighborhood as I passed.

My heart swelled with love, light and joy as I walked, and my steps became strong and relaxed, with the easy spring of youth.

I continued onward, radiating Light, Love, Joy, and Hope to several blocks, returning home happy and invigorated.

This is an excellent example of what the New Economy is and how it works. It is Divine Light, Love and Power, flowing into and through us to illuminate and renew the world. How much material wealth we have, our job, education and where we live do not affect this process. We can all be sources of the abundance of the One Life.



Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Releasing All

Capturing a Greedy Monkey

While contemplating the next step in our process I recalled the story of the greedy monkey:

Once upon a time a clever hunter built a trap for greedy monkeys. The trap was a cage with the bars spaced so that a monkey could thrust an empty hand into it, but too small for a monkey to withdraw his full hand. Then he put a banana in the cage, and tied it shut.

The hunter tied the cage up in a tree in the jungle, and left. When he returned several hours later, he found a monkey trapped to the outside of the cage by his hand, which was holding the banana inside the cage.

When the monkey saw the hunter approaching he screamed and struggled, but could not escape for he refused to let go of the banana.

Will the monkey release the banana and escape? That depends on the monkey. How greedy is he? How attached is the monkey to the banana? Will he release it in time?

Our position is similar to that of the monkey in this way – we have an economic system that does not and cannot give us what we truly need, and as long as we hang on to it, it will endanger us. Thus, it is time to let go of the old economy.

The first step in that process was to recognize, in our hearts, that every thing we have is temporary. Our next step is to let go of those forms – including thoughts and emotions – associated with the old economy. As we proceed we will get more specific in what we release, and we will begin to use the Law of Relationship to build the new economy.

I have found the following to be very calming and relaxing, and quite useful during this time of change and stress.

I Release All Technique

Sit comfortably with your back straight, your feet flat on the floor and your arms on the chair’s armrests or in your lap (not crossed).

Close your eyes and relax your physical body – beginning with your toes and moving upward to your head, command each portion to relax. Imagine a relaxing warmth, a tingling sensation, golden light, or whatever other method works for you.

Slowly relax your toes… your feet… ankles… forelegs…knees… thighs… buttocks… tummy… lower back… diaphragm… upper back… chest and heart… fingers… hands… forearms… upper arms… shoulders… neck… tongue… scalp…the muscles of the face… and the muscles behind the eyes.

Move your self awareness into your heart (If it helps, you may picture a tiny version of yourself standing within a sphere of golden-white light in the middle of your chest).

From your position in the heart, audibly state the following (pausing between each):

I am Soul,
I release all my thoughts to the one life

I am Soul,
I release all my emotions to the one life

I am Soul,
I release all my forms to the one life

I am Soul,
I release all my appearances to the one life

I am Soul

Audibly sound the OM.

Take a deep breath, and as you release it slowly relax the attention, and return to your normal focus.

An audio version of the “I Release All” technique may be found here.

All audio files in this blog are in non-streamable wma format.

Monday, October 27, 2008

The First Step

The first step in creating the new world economy is to release the old one – not only the form, but the thoughts and emotions associated with it. This will help direct our attention from restoring the old to building the new, and will free up the materials from the old and make them available to the new.

The next step is to invoke new energies from the planetary life for the new economy. These energies are available to the new economy because it is being built as part of that life. We are, in effect, using the Law of Relationship to relate one part of the planetary life with another, and create a flow of energy between them.

We are able to do this because our self or soul, the inner narrator, is part of the one planetary self and thus has the ability to relate any part of that life with any other part.

This is the essence of the Law of Relationship – that everything is related to everything else within the one life. What we are doing here is using that fact to relate the economy of the planetary life, with the economy of humanity, creating a new world economy that serves everyone and everything in the planetary life.

It is really quite simple, but our ego’s and mind make it seem complex.

We will begin with what I call the This Shall Pass technique. I have found it quite useful during times our outer change and stress.

This Shall Pass Technique

Sit comfortably with your back straight, your feet flat on the floor and your arms on the chair’s armrests or in your lap (not crossed).

Close your eyes and relax your physical body – beginning with your toes and moving upward to your head, command each portion to relax. Imagine a relaxing warmth, a tingling sensation, golden light, or whatever other method works for you.

Slowly relax your toes… your feet… ankles… forelegs…knees… thighs… buttocks… tummy… lower back… diaphragm… upper back… chest and heart… fingers… hands… forearms… upper arms… shoulders… neck… tongue… scalp…the muscles of the face… and the muscles behind the eyes.

Move your self awareness into your heart (If it helps, you may picture a tiny version of yourself standing within a sphere of golden-white light in the middle of your chest).

From your position in the heart, audibly state the following (pausing between each):

I am Soul,
all thoughts shall pass

I am Soul,
all emotions shall pass

I am Soul,
all forms shall pass

I am Soul,
all appearance will pass

I am Soul,
I am Divine Purpose, Power, and Will

I am Soul,
I am Divine Love-Wisdom

I am Soul,
I am Divine Intelligence

I am Soul,
I am Divine Harmony

I am Soul,
I am Divine Knowledge

I am Soul,
I am Divine Aspiration

I am Soul,
I am Divine Law and Order

I am Soul

Audibly sound the OM.

Take a deep breath, and as you release it slowly relax the attention, and return to your normal focus.

An audio version of this technique may be found here.

All audio files in this blog are in non-streamable wma format.

copyright © 2008 by Glen Knape

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Imagine that you have the power to help recreate the world. Would you be willing to do so?
I ask because you do have that power, and together we can transform the world. The Law of Relationship, or The Law of Attraction, enables us to recreate the world. It is really quite simple to do, but it will take many of us working together.

My next question is, if you accepted that you had that power, where would you begin? I propose that we begin with the world economic crisis – on which so much attention is focused - and use the Law of Relationship to recreate the world economy. I propose that we help build a world of abundance for everyone.

My third question is for myself. How do I tell you how to use the Law of Relationship to transform the world economy? I propose to keep it simple, by telling short, true-life stories that show how it is done.

These stories include the basic elements of the magical process through which we can recreate the world. With this process, we will create a new world economy that is attuned to the one life.

Working together, using the techniques posted here, we can help humanity take its next step and build an economy that serves all including the entire planetary life.



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