Friday, November 7, 2008

Walking in Christ

Yesterday I went for a walk with Christ.

No, not the religious figure, and certainly not striding along next to me. It was, well… let me tell you about it.

I’d been working away in front of my home office computer for several hours, when I noticed that portions of my anatomy were crying out for relief. It was a fairly nice day, sunny but cool, so I went for a walk.

We live in an average north-American neighborhood – tract homes indistinguishable to the casual eye from any built around the 1970s. However, the light and smell would say “Southern California” to anyone familiar to that part of the world.

As usual, I picked an inner alignment as I walked toward the end of our cul-de-sac, and then decided on a route. This process of picking an alignment and then a route has been part of my walking routine for many years. I’m not sure how it started, probably as an extension of my formal meditation work, but these days it’s simply something I do.

On this occasion I focused in the heart center. As I walked across the cross street at the end of our cul-de-sac I noticed that the heart center focus was quite energized and aligned up, from the heart, to the crown center.

Then, feeling a magnetic call, I continued the alignment upward through the crown, with the overshadowing Christ.

I continued walking as the heart center linked with the Christ, and felt the radiant Light of Christ begin to flow into my instrument.

By that time I’d reached the sidewalk in from of Bob and Charlie’s place (they have the prettiest spring flower garden in several blocks). From the focus in the heart, my aura expanded outward, to include the households on both sides of the street, and I let the Light of Christ flow into and through me, to illuminate the neighborhood as I passed.

My heart swelled with love, light and joy as I walked, and my steps became strong and relaxed, with the easy spring of youth.

I continued onward, radiating Light, Love, Joy, and Hope to several blocks, returning home happy and invigorated.

This is an excellent example of what the New Economy is and how it works. It is Divine Light, Love and Power, flowing into and through us to illuminate and renew the world. How much material wealth we have, our job, education and where we live do not affect this process. We can all be sources of the abundance of the One Life.




  1. Very simple. Very sweet. Very instructive.

  2. Thank you for this beautiful example of the New Economy!


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