Saturday, November 29, 2008

Protection from Criticism

Stretch and wiggle feet (so calves don’t cramp), awake, focus in the center of the head, align up through the crown with my place, function, and purpose, and sound the central, motivating thought… “I am the Soul within the Heart of the Wisdom Group.” Hold that thought as the body awakens.

I checked my instrument – mental, astral, and physical – all aligned and responsive. Note the condition of my bladder and previewed my day. The usual morning preparations, with jogging in place (but no club workout on weekends), meditations, continue organizing contacts via “Act,” work on the Parent Training Manual, continue work on new classes, and write a blog.

Another blog? Already? Hmm… Yes… There was something.

I rolled over, checked the time (4:25 A.M.) and turned on the radio. NPR was talking about Obama, and the potential disappointment of his followers in the lack of diversity in his cabinet.

Aha! I lay back and focused in the heart.

Breathe in, drawing light down from above the head.

Breathe out, pushing light up through the top of the head.

Breathe in and out, in and out, into and through the heart.

Align with and identify as the new American administration.

As the new administration, align upward from the heart, through the top of the head, with the Light of Christ.

As the new administration, invoke that protective Light into the heart, as protection from criticism.

Sound that protective Light outward, from the heart, through the administration’s aura, into its entire life and affairs, by silently sounding the OM.

Breathe in and out, in and out, into and through the heart.

Align with and identify as the Obamaites.

As the Obamaites, align upward from the heart, with the idea of the New World Civilization…

with the new Cooperative Leadership of that Civilization… (Breathe in and out, in and out.)

with the new Economy of that Civilization… (Breathe in and out, in and out.)

with the new Organization of that Civilization… (Breathe in and out, in and out.)

Recognizing the new Leadership, Economy, and Organization, audibly sound the OM.

Slowly relax the attention, and return.

With an NPR story about a children’s writer as my sound track, I sat up, and began my day.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Cleansing Rain

The clouds had shed enough moisture to wash away the lingering ashes and leave our trees dripping. The air smelled clean again – or as clean as it ever does in this century. The birds were chirping, and the neighbors were sending their children outdoors while they prepared the biggest meal of the year.

Thanksgiving (a modern harvest festival, when we come together to give thanks for peace and plenty). But, I’d just heard about a terrorist attack in Mumbai, India. Over 120 dead, 300 injured, not in a sudden explosion, but by the shots of armed men. Men twisted and distorted.

Hearing of this, I’d set aside the sweet potatoes I was peeling, stepped outside, and sat in the clean air beneath the weeping trees. There I moved into my heart…

Breathe in, drawing light down from above the head.

Breathe out, pushing light up through the top of the head.

Breathe in and out, in and out…

Become aware of the music of the heart, beating in time with the one life.

Become aware of that same music, sounding in the heart of all men – of everyone everywhere.

Become aware of the twisted distortions within humanity, and sound the music of the heart within them – soothing and calming humanity.

As humanity in the heart, breathe in, drawing light down from above the head.

In and out, in and out, becoming at-one with the music of the heart of humanity.

Then, having achieved inner harmony, I released a final breathe, returned to my normal awareness, and walked back inside to finish peeling the sweet potatoes.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

At-one With the New World Civilization

Another gust whistled through our grapefruit tree. With a snap, a yellow-green fruit fell and thudded to the ground. The wind paused, and the specs of ash – spent gray-white embers – became visible again.

Over a hundred homes had burned since yesterday, west and east of us, and more were burning now. Their burning cast the day in apocalyptic-orange, the color of destruction, of endings, of preludes to forced beginnings.

It seemed appropriate.

One of my favorite things to do is to sit beneath the trees in our front yard (sheltered from casual sight by a screen of bushes and flowers) and read, listen to children play, and meditate. But today the wind and smoke made reading difficult, and the children were indoors – sheltered behind air filtration systems.

That left meditation.

I took a shallow breath, and focused in the heart center…

When everything is quiet and still, align upward from the heart, through the crown center, with the idea of the New World Civilization. (pause)

Recognize that coming civilization as the vehicle through which humanity will achieve the next step in the evolution of its consciousness, and at one with the idea. (pause)

Remaining at-one with the idea, return your awareness to the heart center. (pause)

As the idea of the New World Civilization, in the heart center, at-one with humanity. (pause)

Stand in the heart center, as humanity at-one with the New World Civilization, and surrounded by the fires of change. (very long pause)

Audibly sound the OM.

Slowly relax the attention and return to your normal focus.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sounding the Voice of Christ

The elliptical machine accepted my weight, age, and workout instructions. I grabbed the handles, began walking, and moved into my heart center.

The machine I was using was part of a row of twenty cardio exercise machines, and there were three rows. It was approaching 6:30 AM on a Monday morning, and I was completing my usual Monday, Wednesday, Friday routine (I have a second routine for Tuesdays and Fridays).

The handball courts behind me were empty, but the usual Monday morning basketball game was in full swing off to my right. Several machines to my left, a young bride and her friend were preparing to look their best at the wedding, and on the stationary bikes two rows in front of me Janet and Billie were continuing their romance.

I’ve sometimes wondered how often people joined the club in order to meet someone, and how often it was because they’ve met someone. At that moment, however, I was busy formulating my next alignment.

Physical exercise in a health club usually has a regular move-pause-move-pause rhythm – the same move-pause-move-pause as the inner creative process. I take advantage of this by focusing within and using the Law of Relationship while working out.

My intent when I do this is to serve the one life in whatever manner is needed. On this occasion, as I focused within I found my self responding to the need of America, as represented by the new American administration.

I focused as the self in the heart center.

As the self in the heart, I aligned upward (via aspiration), through the crown center at the top of the head, with the overshadowing Christ or world soul.

As the self in the heart, I aligned outward, through the ajna center (in front of the forehead and between the brows) with the new administration.

Holding the upward and outward alignments, I invoked the protective Light of Christ, and imagined that clear blue light flowing downward and surrounding the new administration with its protective radiance.

Still holding the upward and outward alignments, I invoked the inspiring Voice of Christ, and imagined that silent sound flowing downward and infusing the new administration with its inspiring vibrations.

Still focused in the heart, and holding the alignment with the Light and Voice of Christ, I completed my workout and walked out into a clear blue dawn tinged with the glorious pink of sunrise.

In order to perform a technique such as this, without injecting one’s personal hopes and desires into (and thereby qualifying and depleting) it, one must be able to identify as the one life (rather than as an individual) while performing it. The same is true of any application of the Law of Relationship, including when helping create the new world economy.

The following technique helps us achieve the necessary at-one-ment with the one life. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do.



All is Part of the One Life Technique

Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and relax your physical body.

Move your self awareness into your heart.

From your position in the heart, audibly state the following (pausing between each):

I am Soul,
all my thoughts are part of the energy of the one life

I am Soul,
all my emotions are part of the force of the one life

I am Soul,
all my forms are part of the substance of the one life

I am Soul,
all my appearances are part of the affairs of the one life

I am Soul

Audibly sound the OM.

Take a deep breath, and as you release it slowly relax the attention, and return to your normal focus.

An audio version of the “All is Part of the One Life” technique may be found here.

All audio files in this blog are in non-streamable wma format.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Walking in Christ

Yesterday I went for a walk with Christ.

No, not the religious figure, and certainly not striding along next to me. It was, well… let me tell you about it.

I’d been working away in front of my home office computer for several hours, when I noticed that portions of my anatomy were crying out for relief. It was a fairly nice day, sunny but cool, so I went for a walk.

We live in an average north-American neighborhood – tract homes indistinguishable to the casual eye from any built around the 1970s. However, the light and smell would say “Southern California” to anyone familiar to that part of the world.

As usual, I picked an inner alignment as I walked toward the end of our cul-de-sac, and then decided on a route. This process of picking an alignment and then a route has been part of my walking routine for many years. I’m not sure how it started, probably as an extension of my formal meditation work, but these days it’s simply something I do.

On this occasion I focused in the heart center. As I walked across the cross street at the end of our cul-de-sac I noticed that the heart center focus was quite energized and aligned up, from the heart, to the crown center.

Then, feeling a magnetic call, I continued the alignment upward through the crown, with the overshadowing Christ.

I continued walking as the heart center linked with the Christ, and felt the radiant Light of Christ begin to flow into my instrument.

By that time I’d reached the sidewalk in from of Bob and Charlie’s place (they have the prettiest spring flower garden in several blocks). From the focus in the heart, my aura expanded outward, to include the households on both sides of the street, and I let the Light of Christ flow into and through me, to illuminate the neighborhood as I passed.

My heart swelled with love, light and joy as I walked, and my steps became strong and relaxed, with the easy spring of youth.

I continued onward, radiating Light, Love, Joy, and Hope to several blocks, returning home happy and invigorated.

This is an excellent example of what the New Economy is and how it works. It is Divine Light, Love and Power, flowing into and through us to illuminate and renew the world. How much material wealth we have, our job, education and where we live do not affect this process. We can all be sources of the abundance of the One Life.



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