Saturday, November 29, 2008

Protection from Criticism

Stretch and wiggle feet (so calves don’t cramp), awake, focus in the center of the head, align up through the crown with my place, function, and purpose, and sound the central, motivating thought… “I am the Soul within the Heart of the Wisdom Group.” Hold that thought as the body awakens.

I checked my instrument – mental, astral, and physical – all aligned and responsive. Note the condition of my bladder and previewed my day. The usual morning preparations, with jogging in place (but no club workout on weekends), meditations, continue organizing contacts via “Act,” work on the Parent Training Manual, continue work on new classes, and write a blog.

Another blog? Already? Hmm… Yes… There was something.

I rolled over, checked the time (4:25 A.M.) and turned on the radio. NPR was talking about Obama, and the potential disappointment of his followers in the lack of diversity in his cabinet.

Aha! I lay back and focused in the heart.

Breathe in, drawing light down from above the head.

Breathe out, pushing light up through the top of the head.

Breathe in and out, in and out, into and through the heart.

Align with and identify as the new American administration.

As the new administration, align upward from the heart, through the top of the head, with the Light of Christ.

As the new administration, invoke that protective Light into the heart, as protection from criticism.

Sound that protective Light outward, from the heart, through the administration’s aura, into its entire life and affairs, by silently sounding the OM.

Breathe in and out, in and out, into and through the heart.

Align with and identify as the Obamaites.

As the Obamaites, align upward from the heart, with the idea of the New World Civilization…

with the new Cooperative Leadership of that Civilization… (Breathe in and out, in and out.)

with the new Economy of that Civilization… (Breathe in and out, in and out.)

with the new Organization of that Civilization… (Breathe in and out, in and out.)

Recognizing the new Leadership, Economy, and Organization, audibly sound the OM.

Slowly relax the attention, and return.

With an NPR story about a children’s writer as my sound track, I sat up, and began my day.

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