Saturday, May 2, 2009


Alice waived me over to the table she shared with Bea. I smiled back, accepting the invitation, and took the nearest chair.

The day was cooling as evening approached, aided by a gentle breeze. The terrace, shaded by trees and watched by birds, was a perfect place to meet and talk over dinner.

An olive fell from the tree overhead and tapped my right shoulder. I glanced around in bemusement, wondering if my attention was being called something, but saw only fellow conference attendees - chatting, eating, and laughing - at the other tables. All quite normal for the charged atmosphere of these events.

Alice and Bea, attending the conference for the first time, outlined their plans to create a spiritual center while I asked leading questions.

My dinner arrived, and Bea asked, "Why do Bailey people have a problem with Cedercrans?"

For a moment I considered ducking the question, but an olive thunked off the top of my head.

I sighed, and moved into the heart center.

From the heart, I aligned upward, through the top of my head, to the greater school of which all esoteric schools are bu dim reflections.

Recognizing the unity behind the Bailey and Cedercrans teachings, I aligned outward, from the heart, with the misunderstandings between them.

Then, I invoked the Light of Truth into the misunderstandings, and began to speak.



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